The Art (&Science) of Finding Love

Sale Price:£797.00 Original Price:£1,200.00

You’re longing for a more meaningful way to find love than aimlessly swiping left and right, but even the thought of dating feels like torture. You wish you knew what you really wanted in love and that you had the confidence to live life to the full.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a vision for your love life and who you want to share it with, and discover how to turn that vision into reality without self-sabotage, within 6 months or less, so you can leave the misery of meaningless dating behind and meet new people with an open heart, mind and intellect, full of clarity, confidence and joy!

Join me on TUESDAYS 2.30pm or 8.30pm London time, starting 16 FEBRUARY 2021 to Find Love.

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Gain Confidence, Vision, Clarity and Skills

This course includes three months of weekly, face-to-face group coaching sessions, discovering the Art and Science of Relationships, with an additional three months of informal group coaching, as and when you need it.

Together we will clarify your vision for life and love, create a simple portrait and learn evidence-based skills, to enable you to draw someone amazing into your life. You will come away gain extraordinary confidence, with a powerful vision for your future, you find that you love your life and you’ll be really clear about who you want to share it with, equipped with 12 essential relationship skills that make you feel like you have a secret superpower, as you turn your vision into reality.

Fall in love with You !

Module 1: Fall in love with YOU! In this module you will discover yourself as you’ve never known you before! You will see, hear and feel the truth of who you really are, so that you can stop the negative self-talk that holds you back from everything you really want in life, and embrace the truth that you are bloody gorgeous!  There’s so much we don’t know about ourselves that can sabotage love. In this module we will look at the things that have tripped you up in love in the past; we will explore your personality, your preferences and what you say about yourself, to yourself: Your mission should you choose to accept it, is: to be yourself and for that to be okay!

Know You’re Loved

Module 2: Knowing you’re Loved is like discovering treasure in places you never knew it was hiding: This module will give you new eyes and ears to hear how loved you already are, so that you recognise the truth that Love is everywhere and you don’t need a partner to fill the gaping hole in your heart! When we realise that we are already loved in all sorts of ways we never realised, we become confident and open to exploring the worlds of others with genuine curiosity. Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to find evidence of love in your own life, both past and present, so that you are no longer looking for love to fill a gap in your heart.

Love your Life

Module 3: Love your life! This module will help you live luckily ever after, so you can welcome life’s joys and challenges, as gifts and throw off the myth that’s holding you back from living with passion and purpose.  People are so much more attractive when they live with passion and purpose. We will take a long hard look at our lives and identify where we love life and where we need to make changes. Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to create a plan to create a life you can wake up in with Joy each morning!

Who do You Want to Share Life With?

Module 4: Share the love! With everyone!  But get super-clear on exactly who you want to share your LIFE with, so that you avoid falling for everyone who’ll have you and don’t trip yourself up by putting too many hurdles in the way of someone amazing who’d love to get to know you better.  When love is elusive we sometimes accept anyone who seems vaguely possible, trying to shoehorn them into our lives, or we go to the other extreme and create so many conditions for love that no one can possibly fulfil them. In this module, we will create the long list and the short list of who you would love to share your life with. Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to identify three non-negotiable qualities that you really really want in your future partner and to begin noticing those qualities in the people you meet.

Skills - Your Secret Superpower

Module 5: Skills - Your Secret Super-power is about discovering the 12 evidence-based Relationship Skills that make lasting love possible. Stumbling upon the Science of Love changed everything for me.  I went from being a relationship disaster, to someone who knew how to love and be loved and to creating a wonderful decade-long marriage and family with a beautiful life. We will learn what the 12 Relationship Skills are and explore tools and techniques to master them in our lives.  Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to learn the RelationSHIP Skillset and practice them in your life.

Become Magnetic

Module 6: Get out there and become MAGNETIC! so you can look forward to dating with a vision and plan that works for you, giving you the best possible chance of falling in love with someone who loves you back, within the next 12 months or less. We think we are looking for a needle in a haystack, but when we become magnetic, the needle is drawn to us. Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to visualise the relationship you long for and make fun plans to get out there and become magnetic, so you can stop rummaging in haystacks, and swiping despondently and instead welcome every possibility with dignity and enthusiasm, putting everyone you meet at ease, so they can be their best selves and have the chance to win your heart.

The two things that were the most valuable [from the course] were self love and understanding the awesomeness of what I have to offer and… tapping into those beliefs and those values and that vision for the life you want is helpful in finding the person you want… and I’d also say that Cathy is a wondrous, beautiful, magnetic, magical person and she is intuitive and has designed a very powerful, meaningful course that will change people’s lives 100% for the better.
— Revaz
Sometimes single life was good and sometimes really hard... I’m surrounded by a lot of people who are married which made me think, Maybe there’s something wrnog with me... I wouldn’t have met my partner if I hadn’t been through this course... He’s a very gentle person, very caring and loving... If you’re in a situation like me - you want relatinship - unless you go for it, you’ll never move on. Cost-wise, for me it was completely worth it. What’s I’ve gained from doing relationship coaching is worth far more than money could buy.
— Annie
There were things I could share with Cathy that I couldn’t share with anyone else. Especially things that were difficult to overcome... I knew that what I discussed here would stay confidential... The best thing has been gaining the confidence to go out and meet people. Dating’s not easy... but thinking about my life in five years’ time if I was still single scared me more than going on a date... when I met my boyfriend, I wasn’t nervous... He’s everything I ever imagined I could have from being in a relationship... I couldn’t have got there without relationship coaching.
— Frances